Monday, March 3, 2014

why are you sad onion....?

Well the onion is not the only one crying for being cut in half. you yourself are crying. and why would this happen lets ask Mr. Westervelt who has a very good explanation for this. I know this does not explain a lot ( follow him anyway and me if you already haven't) of what is going on but I will help you with that. When you cut into an onion cells break as naturally they would when you cut something. Sulfenic acids are formed from the amino acids in the cells, and enzymes that were once told to stay away from the sulfenic acids decide to be rebels and mingle with them. This forms S-oxides, and this flies into your eye, and reacting with your tears making you cry just a little. But one thing i learned from the Boxcar Children I believe (dont quote me on it) that if you cut an onion under water it will not make you cry. Fascinating right? When under water the chemicals cannot escape. Also refrigerating the onion can help slow the process down and not make you cry a lot.

Shout out to Pat at

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