Saturday, May 3, 2014

Nail polish

Nail polish is something that girls put on their nails, if you didn't know, but yes they contain a lot of chemicals that make some of them chip ressitant, even though they chip anyway. (false advertising anybody?) But yes clear coats are made of nitrocellulose, which give them that beautiful shine when you use it as a top coat.

chemistry of life

There's chemistry around you at every turn. No matter where you look there will be some type of chemistry that is occurring. Whether theres a car on the street or the device you are using to read this thing, it all boils down to chemistry. All the plants and everything that is seen all has chemicals in it. To the toothbrush you use to the pants you put on to the nail polish you use everything is chemistry.

chemistry in food

When you bake cookies, or pie you just mix the ingredients and put the product n the oven. Do you ever wonder how that batter turns into something solid that you can hold in your hand? Well that all belongs to chemistry. Thanks to Anessa's post I learned the perfect proportion of things can cause a chemical reaction to occur and the mixing of certain things to your batter can make the end result a little better. This relates to chemistry because with out it we cannot do anything that involves baking and/or cooking.