Clouds are essentially water vapor in the sky. There are three types of clouds cirrus, stratus, and cumulus clouds. Cirrus clouds are the highest up in the air and they are made of ice crystals because they are in the highest position where the air is more cold. They look wispy up in the air. Cumulus clouds are in the middle of the sky. Not all the way at the top but relatively far from the ground. Their chemical make up consists of ice crystals and water vapor. They look more of a flatterer base and go upwards. The last cloud type of the Stratus clouds and they are close to the ground. They form a layer above the ground. They are made up of water droplets.
Also chemists have found a way to make it rain voluntarily. They use a chemical called silver iodide which is dry ice and they spray a certain amount into the air from an airplane and the dry ice freezes the water droplets making it to heavy in the clouds thus "raining on our parade" again! Any through the use of chemicals we an essentially do anything even make it rain as it seems to be so if we are ever in a drought we know what to do. I never knew that people could actually make it rain.