Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Table Salt Turns Blue!

Scientist are closer to finding out how salt gets crystallized when it comes out the water. Scientists from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have found a way to alter the electronic structure which is bringing us closer to figuring out how salt crystallizes. NaCl, also known as table salt, it comes out of water it crystallizes and then it shows a blue glow which means that's the electron structure is changing which is not what was believed generally. Scientists say that if any kind of light or luminescence is omitted then there is some change in the electron structure. Also another team of scientists at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center wanted to check to see if the water molecules and ions with the NaCl were what they were expected to be. They used an aqueous solution which is a solution in which water is more dominant. As they did their experiment they found out that the ions where not equal or opposite to each other. The water was acting as an electronic sink because the chloride ions ended up around the water molecules and it created a shell around the sodium and chloride, and the water around the sodium ions is most negative. The final thing is to find out how long the fields, how to create them, and to measure the energy gaps between the excited electronic states. First of all I did not know table salt came straight from the water, and I'm amazed at how much work nature puts in to make it. It is like mind boggling how much we do not understand goes on into making something we use everyday, like table salt. It is so cool how the scientists are so close to figuring out how salt does crystallize. Also I did not know that salt glows blue and that I can glow blue due to the electron changes but it is still amazing.


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